Debbie had tried everything without success until she found relief using C60 olive oil as a treatment for her psoriasis. She speaks to Dr Steve Moore, Chief Scientist at VITA60, on what a difference it has made to her life.
Debbie agreed to take part in a trial of C60 in olive oil. She wanted to see if and how it might affect her painful and embarrassing psoriasis condition. She was not paid to take part in the trial or this interview. However, she was provided with C60 in olive oil at no cost.
We hear from Debbie first hand, about how psoriasis has affected her and how taking C60 in olive oil has significantly changed her life and her outlook on the future.
“I would go on Good Morning TV and tell them about it….I tell everyone about it because I’m just amazed”
Debbie Oct 2018
Life as a psoriasis sufferer
Debbie has suffered from a particularly chronic case of psoriasis since she was just 16-years-old. She says no-one else in her family had psoriasis and she had felt like an outsider. She was ashamed and embarrassed by her condition. In desperation, she had even tried to shave off her skin with a razor.
After a couple of years of having to endure so much pain and discomfort, she finally plucked up enough courage to see her doctor. He told her she had a condition known as psoriasis. She says it had started on her knees and then quickly spread to the backs of her hands, elbows, and scalp. Continuously scratching her head had made her feel very self-conscious and quite depressed.
She says she used various creams and different shampoos. Her doctor prescribed her many of these but they were all totally ineffective, and also, they didn’t smell very nice. This only added to her psychological distress.
She covered up to hide her embarrassment and stopped socialising when her psoriasis got worse. She felt uncomfortable even being around her own family members, although they were very supportive.
Many psoriasis treatments are steroid-based creams, which can have unpleasant side effects. These can include thinning and altered pigmentation of the skin, which can be permanent if used for a prolonged period.

What happened when Debbie began using C60 in olive oil?
Debbie started off with a high 30ml oral dose of C60 in olive oil each day. She then slowly reduced the dose to 15ml a day.
She says within the first 3 days of taking C60 she noticed some very positive results. Debbie also says the improvements continued but noticed if she stopped taking a regular dosage, the condition would quickly return.
Debbie has since tried olive, avocado, and hemp seed oil versions of C60. She told us she had found hemp seed oil to be the best for her. She has been able to reduce her dose to just 5ml a day and even go onto alternative day doses.
Debbie has tried various types of C60 in oil and said one of the main advantages, apart from the obvious improvement in her skin condition, was that it was a very discreet method of treatment. Unlike the creams and shampoos, which all smelled strongly of tar.
Since taking C60 in oil, Debbie confirmed that her psoriasis condition had significantly improved. She now felt much more confident and a lot happier
“I used to be really self-conscious about my hands, particularly my knuckles as they were covered in white, thickened, dry skin. That’s all gone now. I’m so pleased, it’s boosted my self-confidence no end.”
Debbie Oct 2018