No surgery trigger finger treatment

Carol was looking for a no surgery trigger finger treatment and talks to Dr Steve Moore, Chief Scientist at VITA60, of her experiences of taking C60.

Carol agreed to take part in a trial of C60 in olive oil to see if and how it might affect her. She found as a result of taking C60 she was able to improve the trigger finger she has suffered with in both hands for over 12 months. She was not paid to take part in the trial or this interview but she was provided with C60 in olive oil at no cost.

Carol explained how her trigger finger was increasingly making everyday tasks difficult. Without steroid injections or a painful operation the life she took for granted might have to change.

“It was getting so inconvenient but I was worried about the thought of steroid injections and maybe even an operation.”

Carol Dec 2018

A worrying change spelt trouble

Carol started waking up in the morning and found her middle fingers locked in a clenched fist position. She initially thought it was annoying. She could easily straighten her fingers, and they were back to normal. However, as time passed it was happening more often. It became increasingly difficult and uncomfortable to straighten them.

After a couple of months, her middle fingers were locking every time she clenched her fists. She was surprised how often that was. Carrying a bag or pulling on a door handle at work started to make her nervous in case her finger locked. She would then have to fumble with her other hand to release it.

Carol’s passion is scuba diving and every holiday she goes to tropical locations to dive and take photos of the fish. She’s fiercely independent and wouldn’t dream of asking for help. However, she found herself in the embarrassing position of asking people to help her on and off with her wetsuit as her fingers were constantly locking and she couldn’t grip.

After that diving holiday, Carol decided she had to do something about her trigger finger. After exploring here options she found she had two. Firstly, steroid injections into the tendons of her fingers. Secondly, an operation to release where the tendon was catching. Neither of them guaranteed success and both would be painful. The operation might involve some time off work. So she started to look for a no surgery treatment for trigger finger.

Locked Joint trigger finger
Releasing trigger finger can be painful

A chance conversation led her to C60, and a pain free solution.

Carol’s sister recommended C60 to her as she knew it had helped others with inflammatory conditions. As a nurse she knew inflammation in the tendons of the hand caused trigger finger.

Carol started on a high dose of 20ml per day but gradually reduced it until she was on a teaspoon a day.

She noticed the C60 in olive oil was having a positive effect within 7 to 10 days. Initially, her fingers were much easier to unlock. Then they were not locking up during the day. She says that on her next diving holiday she had no problems grabbing hold of her wetsuit and taking it on or off.

She says she knew it was definitely the C60 that was having the effect as just before she went on her next diving holiday she forgot to take her C60. Within a couple of days of diving the trigger finger started to return. When she got back home she says she was straight back on a teaspoon a day. Within 2 to 3 days her fingers we not locking up.

Carol has tried many of the C60 oils. At the moment she takes a teaspoon of C60 in coconut oil as she really likes the mild taste.

She says that the fact it is making a difference, that it is so easy to take and that she doesn’t need steroid injections or an operation is a tremendous relief. She told us that before taking C60 a cold winter worried her. That her trigger finger would get worse and might stop her working. To here relief the recent cold weather hasn’t been a problem.

If like Carol, you suffer from trigger finger and are worried about steroid injections or an operation. Then why not try a no surgery trigger finger treatment, why not try C60 in oil and see for yourself whether the benefits can make a change for the better.

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