C60 Calculator

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C60 Dosage Calculator

C60 dose calculator

We suggest a dose of 5 -7ml, or a teaspoon, for all our organic oils including; olive, hemp or pumpkin. But for MCT coconut we suggest 7 – 10ml. That is because coconut oil only holds 53mg/100ml compared to the 80mg/100ml of our six other oils. We supply every order with a spoon that has a 5ml and 2.5ml measure.

However, if you want to be more precise with your dose then we suggest getting one of the oral syringes, because they let you measure the exact volume in mililitres. The oral syringes are designed to work with our standard or patented SealSafe bottle inserts.

Not sure about the correct dose then use the C60 dosage calculator to work it out using your individual body weight. The dosage calculator takes your weight in lbs and kg and gives you a dose in teaspoons and mililitres.

C60 Dosage Calculator

C60 dose calculator

We suggest a dose of 5 -7ml, or a teaspoon, for all our organic oils including; olive, hemp or pumpkin. But for MCT coconut we suggest 7 – 10ml. Th at is because coconut oil only holds 53mg/100ml compared to the 80mg/100ml of our six other oils. We supply every order with a spoon that has a 5ml and 2.5ml measure.

However, if you want to be more precise with your dose then we suggest getting one of the oral syringes, because they let you measure the exact volume in mililitres. The oral syringes are designed to work with our standard or patented SealSafe bottle inserts.

Not sure about the correct dose then use the C60 dosage calculator to work it out using your individual body weight. The dosage calculator takes your weight in lbs and kg and gives you a dose in teaspoons and mililitres.

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